Hello and welcome!!!!!!
My name is Grace and I am currently working through India Volunteer Care for Prime Trust for the summer of 2018.
I have travelled from England for 8 weeks to complete an internship with Prime Trust for part of my university degree. I am currently studying International Development at the University of East Anglia and I am delighted to be given the opportunity to come to India to carry out my work experience.
So far I have been in Pondicherry for 3 weeks and I could not be happier!! What an amazing place - filed with amazing people, food, beaches and markets. The first week arriving was very overwhelming however I soon settled into this friendly environment and feel like I have been here for years (in a good way).
There is a very chilled out and friendly atmosphere among the people in Pondi, they are very caring, kind and welcoming. But fear not, it is also very hard to forget you are in India with Tuk-Tuks and scooters at every turning - loud people shouting among the markets - chaos at every street. The smell of Indian food follows you everywhere and the heat never goes away. With all this said, this is what makes India amazing - and Pondicherry even more because it offers everything India has to offer but in a calmer and more relaxed sense.
My work with Prime Trust currently involves working among both Sishubhavan Play School in the morning and at Janani Home for Girls in the evening.
Over the next few weeks I will be using this blog to update all of Prime Trust supporters of the work I am doing, but most importantly I will use this blog to share the amazing work Prime Trust is doing to help those among Pondicherry.
Stay tuned and follow my updates...
With love from Pondicherry